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Never thought I'd say this but...

I'm blogging again.

A long time ago in a blogosphere far, far away, I wrote a small military wife blog that kept me sane through basic training, deployment, reintegration, and drill weekends. More babies came and life got busy so I stopped but now as the kids are getting bigger (and doing more fun things), I want to document our homeschool journey - particularly for those days when my eye is twitching and I'm jealous of the moms who put their kids on those big beautiful yellow buses.

Before I go any further, I want to be as clear as possible. Yes, we are a homeschool family. Yes, it works great for us. No, I don't think it's the only "right" way to educate children. No, I don't care if you think I'm ruining my children. Yes...No...Maybe...I don't know if or when we'll stop homeschooling but if or when we do, it won't be because some internet troll tells us to.

So...who are we?

Dad - Joshua
Mom - me/Brianna
Kid #1 - Turtle 9 yrs
Kid #2 - Tiny 6 yrs
Kid #3 - Sweet P 4 yrs
Kid #4 - Lil 1 yr

Also, these two new babies:

Gabby is (we believe) our Lab/Australian Cattle Dog...she's four months old. Winston is our two month old Rhodesian Ridgeback. They will be huge. They will still be my babies.

We made the decision to homeschool seven and a half years ago when our son was barely two years old. Although we found our personal method and style fairly quickly, no two years have been the same. We travel and incorporate life experiences as much as possible but we're not unschoolers (a specific method of homeschooling that promotes child-led learning and one that just doesn't work for us). If you decide to follow along, I hope you enjoy this crazy life of ours - we do!


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